Scheduling price changes

You have the following options available for your price change schedules:

Discount prices: prices will be discounted/reduced by the amount or percentage you set.

Raise prices: prices will be increased by the amount or percentage you set.

Percentage: prices will be discounted/raised by the percentage value you set in the field below (e.g. 20%).

Fixed amount: prices will be discounted/raised by an exact amount (e.g. + $20)

Don't round prices: after the discount/price rise, the final prices will not be rounded.

Round prices up: when the discount/raise is applied, the price will be rounded up to a value of your choice. For example, if you have a product that with a 10% discount is £9.30 but you want to round the prices up to the nearest 0.49, set this value to 0.49 and the price will be rounded up to £9.49.

Round prices down: when the discount/raise is applied, the price will be rounded down to a value of your choice. For example, if you have a product that with a 10% discount is £9.80 but you want to round the prices down to the nearest 0.49, set this value to 0.49 and the price will be rounded down to £9.49.

There is a very handy "example" box that will show you an example discount/price raise based on the options you have selected:

Compare at price

When you schedule a price change, you can select what happens to the compare at price of the products for the duration of the schedule. You have two options:

Set the compare at price to be the original price

When the schedule runs and the prices are changed, Auto Schedule will update the compare at price to be the price of the product at the time of running the schedule. This will mean the old price will show on your store and the discount will be clear to your customers:

Leave the compare at price as it is

Auto Schedule will leave the compare at price as it was, if there was one. And if there was not one it will just display the new price.

Important things to consider

  • When a price change schedule reaches the end date & time, the prices will revert back to the exact price it was at the start of the schedule. If you manually change the price of a product while a schedule is running, the price will still go back to what it was before the schedule had started.

  • Do not set more than one price change on the same product at the same time. This includes scheduling collections that contain the same product. This could result in a product being discounted on top of an existing discount!

  • If an impossible discount is attempted (e.g. $50 discount on a product costing $20) then the price change will not be applied.

Next you will need to select the products for your schedule.

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