Selecting products for your schedule

You can create a schedule for multiple products by selecting collections or products. When the schedule runs, it will be applied to all the products in the collections or every product you have selected.

Scheduling collections

To schedule collections, simply ensure the "Specific collections" radio button is selected for "Product selection":

You can then select as many as you like. If one of your new collections isn't showing, try searching for it in the search bar.

When you're done, "Add" and these collections will be assigned to your schedule.

The schedule will run against any product in the collection at the time the schedule starts. So, if when you set up the schedule you only had 3 products, but you added another 4 before the schedule began, the schedule would run against all 7 of the products.

Scheduling products

To schedule products, simply ensure the "Specific products" radio button is selected for "Product selection":

Then, click the "Browse products" button. A popup will appear listing all the products on your site. You can then select as many as you like.

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