Scheduling publishing and unpublishing products

If you are setting up a schedule for publishing/unpublishing products, you will see that you have the following options for the start date. Note how depending on what you select, the sub options will change:

If you select "Publish product(s)" you will have the following options:

Option Description
Publish to online store sales channel Product(s) will be added to the online store sales channel and displayed on any relevant pages. It's the equivalent of going in to your product in Shopify and checking the "Online Store" sales channel checkbox.
Set product status to active The status of the product(s) will be changed to active. This means that if any other sales channels were selected previously, the product will publish to those as well automatically. 
Ignore draft products When the schedule runs, products in draft status will be completely ignored and unaffected by the schedule. Please note; if you select to ignore both draft and archived products, nothing will be set to active.
Ignore archived products When the schedule runs, products in archived status will be completely ignored and unaffected by the schedule. Please note; if you select to ignore both draft and archived products, nothing will be set to active.

If you select "Unpublish product(s)" you will have the following options:

Option Description
Unpublish from online store sales channel Product(s) will be removed from the online store sales channel. It's the equivalent of going in to your product in Shopify and un-checking the "Online Store" sales channel checkbox. This will also remove products from any pages they were set to show on
Unpublish from online store sales channel & change product status Product(s) will be removed from the online store sales channel and their statuses will be changed, depending on what you select from the sub options. This will also remove the product from any other sales channels selected.
Set product status to draft The status of the product(s) will be changed to draft.
Set product status to archived The status of the product(s) will be changed to archived. 

The final option is to "Delete product(s)". Please bear in mind that this will completely delete the products from your store and you cannot restore them. This is completely irreversible. We would not recommend this.

If you have selected an end date, then you will also be presented with the options for what should happen to your products on this date and time. The options are exactly the same as the options for the start date. However, the options will change depending on what you select for the start date. For example, if you selected to publish the products on the start date and time, you can only set them to unpublish or delete on the end date and time.

Next you will need to select the products for your schedule.

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